To The Abandoned Sacred Beasts Wiki
Japanese Name ハンク
Rōmaji Name Raiza
Gender Female
Hair Color
Eye Color
Affiliation Post War Processing Unit, Intelligence Agency
First Appearance
Debut Chapter 2
Image Gallery

Liza (ライザ Raiza)[1]


Liza is a tall and slender woman with large breasts. She has long curly hair which stretches half way down her back.



Rock Hill Arc

Liza is introduced stood outside a shop in Rock Hill, when she notices Hank, who runs away from her. Liza then makes her way to the Hotel where Hank is staying and waits for his arrival. When Hank arrives she asks if he thought he could get away from her. Shortly afterwards Hank informs her about the Pseudo-God Soldiers he'd killed, including Daniel Price. Liza then reads him the reports about the town's Minotaur. Until she notices the hole in his chest, offering to fix it, questions how it happened. When Hank tells her Nancy Charlotte Bancroft did it, she questions who she is. Liza introduces herself to Nancy and calls her a nuisance. After the three of them hear the Minotaur's shoutings, she tells Hank the reason it built it's fortress.[1]

Liza later appears in the Minotaur's fortress, saving Nancy from being killed. Telling her she can talk big, she questions if she can protect herself. Revealing Hank knew she was following them, she claims it seems he wants her to take of her and asks her to follow. When Nancy begins to question herself, Liza tells her if Hank tolerates her, it can't be helped. Nancy then questions her about what type of Pseudo-God Soldier Hank is. Shortly afterwards they both encounter Hank, who had fell from the ceiling. Witnessing him being shot with arrows, she pulls Nancy back and claiming he'll be fine, as he's one of the few Pseudo-God Soldier can switch between forms. When Hank collapses after killing Theodore, she and Nancy carry him out the fortress.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Katsuke Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e Manga: Chapter 2
  2. Katsuke Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e Manga: Chapter 3